Click Track: HTML Hacks for Monitoring User Engagement

Track User Engagement with Simple HTML Click Tracking. Gain valuable insights into user behavior without external scripts
Event detection is an important aspect of user activity monitoring, which involves tracking and analyzing user behavior on a website or application. But tracking users clicking on links is a tricky.
Generally developers are used to track click by logging event to some service like google analytics
onClick={() => logEvent("USER_OPENED_TRACKING_BLOG")}
Click Track: HTML Hacks for Monitoring User Engagement
this is good aproach for most of the use cases. But if you want to track/monitor user engagement only for links. For example a search engine might track which link is clicked by the user. In that case loading a full fledge event logging service will add in javascript bundle make web page load slow. For this particular case we have ping attribute in html anchor tag.
- is an optional attribute
- takes string of space separated urls
when the anchor tag is clicked a HTTP POST request is sent to urls specified in ping attribute of the tag
Click Track: HTML Hacks for Monitoring User Engagement
google analytics also do exactly same thing by thier autotrack plugin using outBoundLinkTracker